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A Letter from the Past


On 6th January 1943 at the start of the Club's Diamond Jubilee Year, Mr. C. W. Fairfax one of the three Vice- Presidents the Club had at the time wrote a letter with a tail piece written by Sam Bate, the Hon. Secretary, which was addressed to future members of the Club with the instruction that it was not to be opened until the Club's Centenary in 1983.

The letter provides an illuminating insight into the member's personalities, background and hobbies as well as the equipment used by members at that time.

The letter was opened at a Dinner held to mark the Centenary of the Society in 1983 and until recently was thought to be lost. However, a clear out of our storage cupboard just before Christmas 2019 uncovered a folder containing an assortment of historical documents which included the 'missing' letter and a 1918 Year Book, extracts of which, are published under this section as well.

To ensure that this valuable letter and associated documents do not go 'missing' again we are considering placing them with the Coventry History Centre for safe keeping and to make them available for research purposes.

Lee-Bird and Roger wagstaff Centenary di
Mr D H Lee-Bird (President) & Mr R D Wagstaff (Vice President)
Image reproduced by courtesy of the Coventry Citizen
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